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Carly Godfrey

Carly Godfrey '23, MBA '24: We are enthusiastic

As a child, Carly Godfrey '23, MBA '24, learned to swim at LR. Years later, a spot on the swim team would bring her back to learn so much more and make way for a bright future.

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Ellis Horton

Ellis Horton '24: We are focused

Ellis Horton '24 has been a constant presence in student life and athletics during his years at LR -- and he has kept his long-term goal in sight the whole time.

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Dan Paradis

Dan Paradis '25: We are thoughtful

Economics, art, finance, music, debate, craft, real estate, history -- for Dan Paradis '25, life at Lenoir-Rhyne contains multitudes, and he is embracing them all.

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Sabrina Fredo

Sabrina Fredo '24: We are determined

Through band and fraternity and sorority life, Sabrina Fredo '24 built a support structure to see her through chronic illness. Now her research may help others with her condition.

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Demmi Ramos

Demmi Ramos '25: We are curious

Between research in mathematics and environmental science and a key role on the Rocket Team, Demmi Ramos '25 is opening new horizons at LR and beyond.

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